Contemporary artists
南青山 Art&Spaceここから ドローイング展(グループ展)
新宿 The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo 大細密展2018 (グループ展)
パリ パリ国際サロン ドローイングコンクール 入選
名古屋 ART NAGOYA 2019(アートフェア)
Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios LineAttack Featured Artist Main wall
千葉 BandH Gallery katekin & ViSiTH357(2人展)
Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios Visionary shows
Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios Master Blasters of Sculpture 11
長野 Roger 「現象×脳」1st(個展)チャリティー
大阪 ZERO展 0号展 ZERO会賞
千葉 金谷美術館コンクール 入選
大阪 アートムーブコンクール 入選
長野 萱アートコンペ ロジェ賞
静岡 国登録有形文化財 花咲乃庄「現象×脳」2nd(個展)チャリティー
長野 萱アートコンぺ 受賞作家展
静岡 磐田市にプライベートギャラリー 開設
Silicon Valley Santa Clara B-Bridge International,Inc.と業務提携開始
静岡 春華堂主催 匿名希望展 IN HAMAMATSU チャリティー
Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios Line AttackBook 参加
静岡 アトリエいつき「無駄で無意味で不効率」個展
静岡 THE DRAMA 「産まれるということは」個展
Silicon Valley Santa Clara B-Bridge International, Inc. オフィスギャラリー展示開始
京都 芦屋画廊「生産者」個展
Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios BandH Gallery
collaboration exhibition
吉祥寺 Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios JAPANツアー参加
Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios Line Attack 参加
Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios LineActivity Book 2019~参加
静岡 中日新聞主催ふるさと知名人チャリティー色紙展 2020~参加
高知 名士チャリティー色紙展示入札会 2021~参加
全国各地 パリコレデザイナー けみ芥見主催 ONEARTにて障害児とのコラボ
アート展 2022~参加
静岡県磐田市出身 在住
What do I consider to be absolute "beauty?" I believe it to be something natural, something organic, like plants and animals. And so, each day, I come into contact with many such flora and fauna, witnessing their lives and deaths up close.
In the course of such a life, I bear witness to beautiful colors impossible for humans to create, and embrace a variety of diverse "emotions."
These are the reasons why my art is portrayed in monochromatic hues. I do not want to apply artificial colors to my work. All that I need are white and black, light and darkness.
And the reasons why my art is so tiny is that I believe that if I use paper that is too large, then detailed depictions will become prone to patterns, and I feel discomfort in outputting several days' worth of "emotions" into one single piece of artwork.
My style of drawing is to randomly move my pen around, and as I do so, something comes into focus, and that goal is where I progress towards finishing.
This "something" that I speak of is primarily plant and animal in nature. However, my brain seems to want to express not only the exterior of such organisms, but their bones, internal organs, cells, and even their "emotions," and thus, my work becomes ever more intricate and detailed.
The problem with my brain is that it appears to prefer unconsciously inputting a wide variety of information, and so, if I let my guard down too much, a flood of disconnected ideas, thoughts, and visions can come rushing forth like an overflowing spring.
And so, I decided to grant my brain a place to harvest its output.
This is "the reason I create art."
To be truthful, having such a wonderful yet troubled brain can be difficult in conducting my daily life, and I can always feel the gap that exists between myself and others in social interactions.
However, I must continue to live in my community.
And so, I do what I can to conform myself within the framework that is society.
But I cannot simply strain uncomfortably within the bonds of convention, I must also grant myself a place where I can live in my natural state.
This is "the reason I must create art."
Finally, humans are animals as well. And so, I wish to love humans, but my brain seems unable to do so.
The world as seen by humans, the world as sensed and experienced by humans. To think that these concepts form the entirety of this universe are perhaps proof of humanity's greed and arrogance.
And so, even I am human too.