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  • 南青山   Art&Spaceここから ドローイング展(グループ展)


  • 新宿   The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo 大細密展2018 (グループ展)

  • パリ   パリ国際サロン ドローイングコンクール 入選


  • 名古屋  ART NAGOYA 2019(アートフェア)

  • Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios LineAttack  Featured Artist Main wall

  • 千葉      BandH Gallery katekin & ViSiTH357(2人展)

  • Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios  Visionary shows

  • Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios Master Blasters of Sculpture 11

  • 長野   Roger 「現象×脳」1st(個展)チャリティー 

  • 大阪     ZERO展 0号展 ZERO会賞

  • 千葉     金谷美術館コンクール 入選

  • 大阪     アートムーブコンクール 入選

  • 長野      萱アートコンペ ロジェ賞


  • 静岡   国登録有形文化財 花咲乃庄「現象×脳」2nd(個展)チャリティー

  • 長野      萱アートコンぺ 受賞作家展

  • ​静岡   磐田市にプライベートギャラリー 開設

  • Silicon Valley ​Santa Clara B-Bridge International,Inc.と業務提携開始


  • 静岡    春華堂主催  匿名希望展 IN HAMAMATSU チャリティー

  • Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios  Line AttackBook  参加


  • 静岡   アトリエいつき「無駄で無意味で不効率」個展

  • 静岡   THE DRAMA 「産まれるということは」個展

  • Silicon Valley Santa Clara B-Bridge International,Inc.オフィスギャラリー展示開始


  • 京都   芦屋画廊「生産者」個展

  • Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios BandH Gallery            

        collaboration exhibition


  • 吉祥寺  Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios JAPANツアー参加

  • Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios  Line Attack  参加



Los Angeles The Hive Gallery and Studios  LineActivity Book 2019~参加

静岡   中日新聞主催ふるさと知名人チャリティー色紙展 2020~参加

高知   名士チャリティー色紙展示入札会 2021~参加

全国各地 パリコレデザイナー けみ芥見主催 ONEARTにて障害児とのコラボ

          アート展 2022~参加














Welcome to my world.


Hi everyone. My name is Katekin. I'm a Japanese contemporary artist.


I mainly create detailed drawings in Sumi ink, sculptures with epoxy resin, and combinations of drawing and sculpture.


To be honest, I'm not doing my activities because I like arts. Making arts actually is rather painful stuff to me.


My brain is a bit special. I'm not that good at doing calculations or visualizing complex structures in my head but my brain is so creative that I have images and ideas and even incoherent dreams constantly coming to me like a fountain even when I'm awake.


The ultimate beauty to me is to be found in nature and organic objects like animals because they have no right or wrong answers.


So annoying, but at the same time, so wonderful - this is just how my brain works. Expressing it means that myself and others can witness and affirm it, and I also feel like I need to give my art back to whatever it belongs to.


I have never had any formal education in the arts, but to me, art is just something that I have to do for this purpose.


My process involves going back and forth between the unconscious, the subconscious and the  conscious. I have no idea what I will end up creating. The piece of art that I make is like a phenomenon that doesn't have any meaning or intention. That's just how it is, and I think it's okay that way, because we often find the most healing and elation in the naturally occurring phenomena.


I hope you enjoy my art just as you would enjoy gazing at the waves rolling endlessly on the sea, or a vermilion sunset or the changing phases of the moon.


There are no right or wrong answers because whatever you feel is the right answer.


This is my world, and this is my planet. Enjoy it.


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